Our Network

The IUGG Yearbook is a reference document of IUGG members, administrative officers, and Association and Union Commission officers that is updated annually and distributed free of charge. It endeavors to update the contact information for hundreds of scientists who are participating in IUGG activities. The contact information includes first name, surname, title, role within IUGG, physical (work) address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address. The information is complied throughout the year until the end of December. The Yearbook is published and posted on the IUGG website at the beginning of the year.

Contact details

For more information about our Members, please contact the secretariat:

IUGG Secretariat
Dr. Franz G. Kuglitsch
Executive Secretary
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
Telegrafenberg, A17
14473 Potsdam, Germany

Phone: +49 331 6264 1978
Email: secretariat@iugg.org