General Assemblies

The overarching goal of IUGG General Assemblies is to link the various geoscience communities, enhance the visibility and the capacities of early-career geoscientists, and foster future collaboration in geoscience worldwide. General Assemblies also presents a forum to discuss the Union’s activities and decide on its future scientific program.

IUGG General Assemblies

  • are open scientific assemblies with several thousand participants and scientific sessions of our eight International Associations, interdisciplinary joint symposia, Union Symposia, Union Lectures, and various side events with workshops, meetings,
  • serve as a platform for young academics to exchange, present themselves, build professional networks, and discuss upcoming scientific developments within different thematic forums.
  • bring together the delegates of the 74 IUGG member countries with the members of the IUGG Executive Committee to discuss the activities of the last term and to further develop the Union and the eight International Associations with their scientific programs, and
  • host business meetings of the Union, the Associations, and its sub-entities.

The next General Assembly will be held in Incheon (Rep. of Korea) in 2027.

IUGG General Assemblies:

Assembly, Year National Foreigners Total
Rome, 1922
Madrid, 1924
Prague, 1927
Stockholm, 1930 91 240 331
Lisbon, 1933 40 160 200
Edinburgh, 1936 80 264 344
Washington, 1939 580 225 805
Oslo, 1948 46 322 368
Brussels,1951 60 858 918
Rome, 1954 163 760 923
Toronto, 1957 293 872 1165
Helsinki, 1960 121 1254 1375
Berkeley, 1963 1124 814 1938
Zurich, 1967 151 2049 2200
Moscow, 1971 1070 1507 2577
Grenoble, 1975 413 2151 2564
Canberra, 1979 469 1475 1944
Hamburg, 1983 495 2709 3204
Vancouver, 1987 539 3400 3939
Vienna, 1991 162 4169 4331
Boulder, 1995 2066 2415 4481
Birmingham, 1999 647 3405 4052
Sapporo, 2003 1989 2162 4151
Perugia, 2007 618 3757 4375
Melbourne, 2011 675 2717 3392
Prague, 2015 143 4088 4231
Montreal, 2019 674 3041 3715
Berlin, 2023 986 4212 5198

Contact details:

For more information about IUGG, please contact the secretariat:

IUGG Secretariat
Dr. Franz G. Kuglitsch
Executive Secretary
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
Telegrafenberg, A17
14473 Potsdam, Germany

Phone: +49 331 6264 1978