Our Network
The work of IUGG is of relevance to many other scientific organizations. Some of these are inter-governmental such as those affiliated with the United Nations; some are Interdisciplinary Bodies of ISC, and others are organizations of particular interest to specific Associations. From time to time, it has been deemed beneficial for IUGG to name liaisons to specific organizations in order to promote communication and co-operation. Liaisons are recommended by the Executive Committee and are appointed by the Council at each General Assembly; they serve until the subsequent General Assembly when they must provide a report of their relevant activities. The IUGG budget includes limited funds that the liaisons may access, if needed, to carry out their duties.
An IUGG liaison is encouraged to:
- Attend business meetings (General Assemblies, Executive Committee meetings, etc.) of the organization where (s)he represents the Union;
- Make contact with officers of the organization and with the members (national and Union) of the organization trying to promote IUGG activities related to this organization;
- Intervene in any discussion related to geodesy and geophysics (e.g., at business meetings, teleconferences, e-mail correspondence) pointing out expertise of the Union;
- Undertake joint activities with the organization (e.g., scientific meeting which could be co-sponsored by IUGG and its Associations; joint statements and resolutions; etc.);
- Nominate IUGG scientists for positions of the organization’s officers in consultation with the President and Secretary General of IUGG;
- Nominate IUGG scientists for awards and medals of the organization in consultation with the President and Secretary General of IUGG;
- Prepare a report (up to 2 pages) with a short summary (max. Ѕ page) on the Business meeting attended, emphasizing current activities of the organization especially related to geodesy and geophysics;
- Prepare a quadrennial report on the activity as the IUGG Liaison Officer and to submit the report 6 months prior IUGG General Assemblies.
In many cases the IUGG Council appoints Principal and Alternate Liaison Officers. The Principal Liaisons represent the Union in the organizations which they have been appointed to. The Alternate Liaison is authorized to serve on behalf of the Principal Liaison at meetings and in all relevant correspondence and discussions.
IUGG Liaison Officers are encouraged to seek external funding to attend meetings of the organization. If such funding is not forthcoming, then IUGG may cover travel expenses of IUGG Liaison Officers to one or two business meetings of the organization per quadrennium, depending on the importance of the meeting for IUGG. Prior approval for such travel expenses should be sought from the IUGG President or Secretary General, and Treasurer.
UGG Liaison Officers (2023-2027) to International and Intergovernmental Organizations:
Contact details
For more information about IUGG, please contact the secretariat:
IUGG Secretariat
Dr. Franz G. Kuglitsch
Executive Secretary
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
Telegrafenberg, A17
14473 Potsdam, Germany
Tel: +49 331 6264 1978
Email: secretariat@iugg.org