IUGG Conferred Fellows 2015 – 2023

The IUGG Bureau confers the Fellowship (Honorary Membership) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics to members of the IUGG Executive and Finance Committees and to Association Secretaries General on their retirement from office. The Fellows are bestowed a certificate of IUGG Fellowship, which is presented at the IUGG General Assembly following the retirement.


Conferred Fellow 2023:
Steve Ackerman

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Patrick Allard

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Zuheir Altamimi

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Günter Blöschl

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Christophe Cudennec

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Aksel Walløe Hansen

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Regine Hock

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Trevor McDougall

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Joyce Penner

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Markku Poutanen

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Harald Schuh

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Michael Sideris

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Stefania Sparnocchia

Conferred Fellow 2023:
Robert Sulpizio


Conferred Fellow 2019:
H.S.H. Prince Albert II

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Isabelle Ansorge

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Tom Beer

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Ray Cas

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Athena Coustenis

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Donald Dingwell

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Hermann Drewes

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Charles Fierz

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Domenico Giardini

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Harsh Gupta

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Zoltan Hajnal

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Jan Krynski

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Thorne Lay

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Joan Marti

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Andrew Mackintosh

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Eugene Morozov

Conferred Fellow 2019:
David Rhoades

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Kenji Satake

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Hubert Savenije

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Denise Smythe-Wright

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Peter Suhadolc

Conferred Fellow 2019:
John Turner

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Hans Volkert

Conferred Fellow 2019:
Alik Ismail-Zadeh


Conferred Fellow 2015:
Robin Adams

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Ian Allison

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Ole Bedsted Andersen

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Shigeo Aramaki

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Attia Ashour

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Arthur Askew

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Georges Balmino

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Charles Barton

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Claude Boucher

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Fred Camfield

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Henny Colenbrander

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Jo Ann Cram Joselyn

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Huw C. Davies

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Robert A. Duce

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Bob Engdahl

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Paolo Gasparini

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Soren Gregersen

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Erwin Groten

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Michael J. Hamlin

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Grant Heiken

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Brian Hoskins

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Shiro Imawaki

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Georg Kaser

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Brian Kennett

Conferred Fellow 2015:
David Kerridge

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Herbert Kroehl

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Masaru Kono

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Michael Kuhn

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Manfred Lange

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Roland List

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Michael MacCracken

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Gordon McBean

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Steven R. McNutt

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Helmut Moritz

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Ivan Mueller

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Robin D. Muench

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Lawrence Mysak

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Setsuya Nakada

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Oded Navon

Conferred Fellow 2015:
James J. O`Brien

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Patrick Pinet

Conferred Fellow 2015:
John C. Rodda

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Juan G. Roederer

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Fernando Sanso

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Hans-Ulrich Schmincke

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Uri Shamir

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Steve Sparks

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Jozsef Somogyi

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Fred Spilhaus

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Kiyoshi Suyehiro

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Kuniyoshi Takeuchi

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Ali Tealeb

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Wolfgang Torge

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Seiya Uyeda

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Juan F. Vilas

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Guoxiong Wu

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Zhongliang Wu

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Peter J. Wyllie

Conferred Fellow 2015:
Gordon Young

Further IUGG Awards

The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics honors distinguished scientists and outstanding early career researchers for their contribution to the field of Earth and space sciences and to international research cooperation in geodesy and geophysics.