Affiliate Membership
According to Statute 4d: „There shall be a category of adherence known as Affiliate Membership. Any multi-national or regional geodetic, geophysical or other geosciences organization shall be eligible for Affiliate Membership. Affiliate Members shall have the same rights, duties and obligations as Associate Members.“ Affiliates do not pay an annual contribution to the Union (Statute 12d).
A representative of each Affiliated organization duly accredited to IUGG is entitled to take part in meetings of IUGG Council. The President of the Union may invite representatives of Affiliated bodies to participate in the Executive Committee meetings, when topics of mutual interest are discussed.
Application Procedure
An application form can be requested from the IUGG Secretariat. The Applications will be processed in the following steps (Statute 4, By-Law 14):
- Copies will be sent to the members of the IUGG Executive Committee who will determine the scientific merits of the application.
- The application and the recommendation of the Executive Committee will be sent to the Adhering Organizations of the IUGG regular members via their National Committees, who will accept or decline the application.
- If the vote by correspondence is affirmative, then the Affiliate’s membership is accepted provisionally, with full rights and privileges of membership, until the next formal meeting of the IUGG Council of member countries when the Council approves or rejects the result of the vote (By-Law 14).
„Questions on admission of new Member Countries and new Affiliate Members and appeals against denial of transfer to Associate membership shall be decided by a two-thirds absolute majority vote of the Council Delegates meeting in Council, each Council Delegate having one vote.“ (Statute 18)
IUGG Affiliate Members
American Geosciences
Institute (AGI)
Admission: 2014
Commission for the Geological
Map of the World (CGMW)
Admission: 2014
International Association
for Geoethics (IAGETH)
Admission: 2014
International Consortium
on Landslides (ICL)
Admission: 2015
International Association for
Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)
Admission: 2015
Young Earth
Scientist (YES) Network
Admission: 2014