International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)

At the First IUGG General Assembly (Rome, 1922), the Section de Magnétisme et Electricité Terrestres became one of the constituent sections of the Union. At the IV IUGG General Assembly (Stockholm, 1930), it became the International Association of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity. It took its present name at the X IUGG General Assembly (Rome, 1954).

IAGA welcomes scientists to join in research of magnetism and Aeronomy of the Earth, of other bodies of the solar system, and of the interplanetary medium and its interaction with these bodies. IAGA sponsors workshops, symposia, and research efforts through INTERMAGNET to modernize and standardize global observations of the Earth’s magnetic field. IAGA is subdivided into the following Divisions and Commissions with working groups on subjects of interest.

Working Groups:

  • Division I: Internal Magnetic Fields
  • Division II: Aeronomic Phenonema
  • Division III: Magnetospheric Phenonema
  • Division IV: Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field
  • Division V: Geomagnetic Observatories, Surveys and Analyses
  • Division VI: Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth and Planetary Bodies
  • Interdivisional Commission on Developing Countries
  • Interdivisional Commission on History
  • Interdivisional Commission on Education and Outreach
  • Interdivisional Commission on Space Weather
  • Joint Interassociation Working Groups


Monika KORTE, IAGA Secretary General
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
14473 Potsdam

IAGA website: