The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 7 No. 8 (August 1, 2007)

This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web site. Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


  1. Statistics on the Perugia General Assembly
  2. National Reports
  3. Honors and Awards
  4. IUGG-related meetings occurring during August - October 2007

1. Perugia General Assembly

4109 participants (including 1322 students) from 90 countries arrived and registered in Perugia for the 2007 IUGG General Assembly. 6990 abstracts were accepted for presentation, 220 scientific sessions were convened, and 99 meetings were held. More statistics on the General Assembly can be found on the General Assembly Website: under "breaking news." There is also a photo and video gallery with exceptional coverage of the Opening Ceremony.

A highlight of the Closing Ceremony was the inauguration of the new International Association of Cryospheric Sciences with an "ice-cutting." An ice sculpture of a snowflake was arranged by the LOC - not an easy thing to manage in July in central Italy!

2. National Reports

National Reports of activities in geodesy and geophysics are requested from each IUGG Adhering Body before each quadrennial General Assembly. These reports are useful to reference the expertise resident in each country and the unique opportunities for research and collaboration that may be available.

National Reports were received from Argentina, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Japan, Romania, Russia (IASPEI), Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, and Turkey. The National Report from Hungary is a special issue (Vol. 42, No. 2, June 2007) of Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica; the National Report form the Slovak Republic is a special issue (Vol. 37) of Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy published by the Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The National Report from India is a publication of the Indian National Science Academy, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi,110 002, Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, President (

Some of the reports that were provided in electronic form are already posted on the IUGG website. Others will be added as soon as possible. The IUGG website is currently in transition as the new Secretary General assumes responsibility.

3. Honors and Awards

Brian Hoskins, President of IAMAS from 1991-1995, was made a Knight Bachelor in June 2007 by the Queen of England for his services to environmental science.

At the 2007 IUGG General Assembly, the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) presented their Levallois Medal to Prof. C.C. Tscherning, in recognition of his distinguished service to the Association, and, the science of geodesy in general. IAG also presented the Bomford Prize to M. Furuya, who then presented an invited lecture.

On July 4 at the IUGG Assembly, IAPSO awarded the "2007 Prince Albert I Gold Medal" to Prof. Russ Davis, from Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, CA, for "outstanding contributions to the enhancement and advancement of the physical and/or chemical sciences of the oceans". Prof. Davis gave an excellent medal address entitled: "From Swallow floats to Autonomous Observing Networks".

4. IUGG-related meetings occurring during August - October 2007

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized or sponsored by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG Web Site Specific information about these meetings, including web links, can be found there. Individual Associations also list more meetings on their web sites appropriate to their disciplines.

July 29 - August 6, INQUA, Cairns, Australia, 17th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research

July 30 - August 4, AOGS, Bangkok, Thailand, 4th Annual Assembly of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society

August 20-22, IAG, St. Petersburg, Russia, Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements

August 20-24, AMS, Portland, Oregon USA, 14th Conference on the Middle Atmosphere

August 27-28, eGY, Vienna, Austria, 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM)

August 27-31, IAHS/UCCS, Obergurgl, Austria, Workshop on Glaciers in Watershed and Global Hydrology

August 27 - 30, CAWSES, Fredericton, NB, Canada, The Second CAWSES Global Tidal Campaign Workshop

September 2-7, IASPEI, Carry-le-Rouet, France, International Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics

September 3-6, IAHS, Helsinki, Finland, Third International Conference on Climate and Water

September 9-13, IAHS, Copenhagen, Denmark, ModelCARE2007 International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: Credibility of Modelling

September 9-16, IASPEI/IAVCEI, Fosshotel Nesbuo, Iceland, ESC Working Group Annual Workshop Earthquakes and Volcanoes

September 12-14, IAHS/UNESCO, Paris, France International Symposium on New Directions in Urban Water Management

September 16-19, eGY, Suzdal, Vladimr Region, Russia, International Seminar on the 50th Anniversary of IGY, and the Electronic Geophysical Year

September 17-23, IAHS, Guangzhou and Three Gorges, China, 2nd Int'l Conf on GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment and 2nd Intl Symposium on Flood Forecasting and Management with GIS and Remote Sensing

September 27-30, EMSEV, Freiberg, Germany, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics: New Horizons

October 2-4, IAG, Toulouse, France, Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme

October 23-27, CAWSES, Kyoto, Japan, International CAWSES Symposium

October 25-29, IAHS, Fremantle, Western Australia, GQ2007: Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrial Environments

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 7 Number 8 (1 August 2007)
J.A. Joselyn, Past Secretary General
A. Ismail-Zadeh, Secretary General [ ]