The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 7 No. 1 (January 2, 2007)

This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web site. Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


  1. Happy New Year! The IUGG Yearbook for 2007 is in press
  2. Abstract Deadline for IUGG General Assembly is January 31
  3. Armenia is now a regular member of IUGG
  4. Meetings in 2007 selected for IUGG support
  5. ICSU Young Scientists Conference
  6. ICSU December 2006 Newsletter available
  7. IUGG-related meetings occurring during January – March 2007

1. Happy New Year! The IUGG Yearbook for 2007 is in press

Thanks to all of the Adhering Body National Committees and the Associations for helping to update the information in the IUGG Yearbook! Assistant Secretary General Katina Rogers completed the master copy of the 2007 Yearbook on 5 December. It was posted on the IUGG Website ( by Webmaster Kathy Zellers, and will be printed and distributed by the end of January. During 2007, updates to addresses and other information in the Yearbook should be sent to the Secretariat ( as soon as they are known. It is planned to cease printing of the Yearbook, as it is now constituted, in 2008. Instead, the website will maintain the directory of IUGG and Association officials and the archive of IUGG memberships and General Assemblies, thus redirecting nearly $10,000 annually for other uses.

Best Wishes to everyone for a healthy and prosperous New Year!

2. Abstract Deadline for IUGG General Assembly is January 31

Preparations are continuing for the IUGG General Assembly, July 2 – 13, in Perugia, Italy. The Abstract Deadline for electronic filing is January 31, which is also the deadline for applications for travel support. The General Assembly web site (, also accessible from the IUGG home page (, includes all the instructions and forms.

The Third Circular, including information on registration fees and reservations for accommodations and field trips, is now posted on the web. It has already been updated from its initial release, so be sure to refresh your screen image of the Circular before printing out the forms.

3. The Republic of Armenia is now a regular member of IUGG

Armenia became a member of IUGG in the year 2000 as an Associate member. Associate members organize a National Committee and name correspondents to the Associations, are admitted to IUGG by vote of the Adhering Bodies, and otherwise participate in all scientific aspects of IUGG. But because Associate members do not pay annual dues, they do not vote in matters of IUGG business and may not hold office in the Union or the Associations. However, Associate members may become regular, voting members with the approval of the Council (or the Bureau, acting on behalf of the Council between General Assemblies) and by paying an invoice for dues. Armenia has now paid the dues for 2006, and we will welcome their delegate, Dr. Alvaro Antonyan, as a new voting member of the IUGG Council meetings in Perugia.

4. Meetings in 2007 selected for IUGG support

IUGG co-sponsors symposia and meetings appropriate to our disciplines of study. A small fund is spent annually to assist meetings, and especially to support the attendance of young scientists and scientists from developing countries. In years of the IUGG General Assembly, the budget for meetings is reduced to $5000 (USD) so that more money is available to support attendance at the General Assembly. Officers of the Associations and Inter-Association Commissions and Committees nominate meetings to receive these awards. For 2007, IUGG will assist attendance to the following meetings. More information about each of them will be listed under the "Meetings Calendar" option on the IUGG Web site ( as it becomes available.

A planning meeting for the Electronic Geophysical Year (eGY), 13-14 March, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Workshop on Glaciers in Watershed and Global Hydrology, 27-31 August, Obergurgl, Austria

Workshop on Natural and Human-induced Disasters in Africa, August, Kampala, Uganda

Workshop on EMSEV activities in Indonesia

5. ICSU Young Scientists Conference

The International Council for Science (ICSU) is celebrating its 75th anniversary by organizing a conference for young scientists to discuss and address some of today’s important scientific challenges in a multidisciplinary and international environment. The conference entitled "Global Scientific Challenges: Perspectives from Young Scientists" is being held in Lindau in Germany from 4th to 6th April 2007. IUGG nominated a number of young scientists; three were selected for participation. They are Dr. Kate Heal (IAHS; University of Edinburgh, U.K.), Dr. Laura Sanchez (IAG; Colombia, now studying in Germany), and Dr. Thomas Mölg (UCCS; University of Innsbruck, Austria). Topics to be discussed include Building bridges within the scientific community; Building bridges between science and the world; Working with the private sector; A "carbon neutral" conference: Overview of the concept and discussion of options for offsetting emissions; and Scientific freedom and responsibilities. The Closing Plenary will focus on Strengthening International Science for the Benefit of Society.

6. ICSU December 2006 Newsletter available

The December issue of Insight, the on-line newsletter of the International Council of Science, is now available on their website ( Items include articles relating to Planning and Coordinating Research including the launch of the International Polar Year on 1 March in Paris, Science for Policy, Universality of Science including articles on the Regional Offices, ICSU Governance and Policies, and positions available at the Secretariat.

7. IUGG-Related Meetings Occurring during January – March 2007

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized or sponsored by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG Web Site [ ]. Specific information about these meetings, including web links, can be found there. Individual Associations also list more meetings on their web sites appropriate to their disciplines.

January 14 - 18, 2007
AMS; San Antonio, Texas, USA; 87th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society

February 7 – 10, 2007
IAHS; Coimbatore, India; 3rd International Groundwater Conference (IGC-2007): Water, Environment and Agriculture – Present Problems and Future Challenges

March 5 - 9, 2007
EGU; Lima, Peru; 2nd Alexander von Humboldt Conference: The Role of Geophysics in Natural Disaster Prevention

March 13 - 14, 2007
eGY; Boulder, Colorado, USA; electronic Geophysical Year Planning Meeting

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 7 Number 1 (January 2, 2007)
J. A. Joselyn, Secretary General  [ ], fax:  1 303 497 3645.