The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 6 No. 9a (September 22, 2006)

Special Appeal for Nominations for IUGG Officers and the Finance Committee

The Chair of the IUGG Nominations Committee reports that Nominations still are needed for IUGG Officers and the Finance Committee for2007-2011 by the deadline of 30 September.

The IUGG Council, at its final meeting in Perugia in 2007, will elect the officers of IUGG for the coming quadrennium (2007-2011). These include the President, Vice- President, Treasurer, Secretary General, and 3 Members of the Bureau. The four members of the Finance Committee are also elected by the Council at the General Assembly. The persons now holding these positions are given below, along with their eligibility for re-election. Please note that the position of Secretary General requires a nomination.

The IUGG Statutes, specifically Statute 11 regarding membership of the Finance Committee and By-Law 10, regarding nominations and elections, were changed at the 2003 General Assembly. Statute 11 and By-Law 10 are appended below in their entirety.

Who may submit candidates for nomination?

The Adhering Bodies of the Member Countries, and the Officers of the Union and the Associations are eligible to submit candidates. Scientists from countries represented by Adhering Bodies that have Associate membership, or have been in Observer status for more than two years and scientists from countries not represented by an Adhering Body are not eligible to be candidates or to hold elected positions in the Union or in its constituent Associations.

What is required of the candidates?

Each nomination must include a statement of acceptance from the candidate, as well as a short resume outlining their position, research interests, and activities related to the Union.

What are the deadlines for submissions?

The first deadline is 30 September 2006. After that time, the Nominations Committee will prepare a document presenting one or two names for each position that will seek a reasonable balance in geographical and disciplinary distribution. This document will be sent to the Adhering Bodies, the National Committees, and the officers of the Union by 30 November 2006. Additional candidates may be added as explained below, although the process becomes more rigorous,

The second deadline is 31 March 2007. New candidates for each office will be added to the ballot if they are supported by at least three presidents or equivalent officers of National Committees of Member Adhering Bodies. As before, the candidates must signify their acceptance of nomination and must prepare a resume outlining their position, research interests, and activities related to the Union. The final list of nominations will be completed and distributed by 30 April 2007. The By-Laws permit re-nominations following the close of the first Council Meeting at the General Assembly.

Where should nominations be submitted?

The nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the IUGG Nominations Committee. The members of the Nominations Committee are as follows:

Chair: Dr. Sřren Gregersen (Denmark)
Members: Prof. Attia A. Ashour (Egypt), Prof. Robert Duce (USA), and Prof. Seiya Uyeda (Japan)

Please submit nominations to Dr. Gregersen at the following addresses:

fax: 45 38 14 20 50
post: Dr. Sřren Gregersen
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Ostervoldegade 10 DK-1350 Copenhagen K DENMARK

Present officers of the Union and Members of the Finance Committee:

President: U. Shamir (Israel) - not eligible for re-election to any office in 2007
Vice-President: T. Beer (Australia) - eligible for re-election as Vice-President or election to any other office Secretary
General: J.A. Joselyn (U.S.A.) – this office is open for election in 2007
Treasurer: A.W. Hansen (Denmark) - eligible for re-election or election to any other office
Members: Y.T. Chen (China) - eligible for re-election or election to any other office
H.K. Gupta (India) – not eligible for re-election as Bureau Member; eligible for election to any other office
A.A.A. Tealeb (Egypt) - eligible for re-election or election to any other office

Finance Committee:

M.J. Hamlin (U.K.) – not eligible for re-election to the Finance Committee
D. Jackson (U.S.A.) – eligible for re-election or election to any other office
B.L.N. Kennett (Australia) – eligible for re-election or election to any other office
K. Suyehiro (Japan) – eligible for re-election or election to any other office
J.F. Vilas (Argentina) – eligible for re-election or election to any other office

IUGG Statute 11

11. During the meeting of a General Assembly the Council elects a Finance Committee for the next period, comprised of four members:
a. two members from among members of the Council
b. two members from the previous Finance Committee - If there are insufficient candidates from the previous Finance Committee, then an additional member or members shall be elected from among the members of the Council. No member of the Finance Committee may at the same time be a member of the Bureau or the executive body of the Union or of an Association or of a governing body of one of the permanent services or programs supported by the Union. No member shall serve more than three consecutive periods on the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall meet with the Council at sessions of the latter, with voice but without vote.

IUGG By-Law 10

a. The President of the Union shall be elected for one period and is not immediately eligible for re-election. The Vice-President and the additional elected Members of the Bureau shall be elected for one period and may be re- elected for not more than one consecutive period in the same function.

The Secretary General shall be elected for two periods initially and should not normally be re-elected for more than two additional single periods.

The Treasurer shall be elected for one period initially and should not normally be re-elected for more than two additional single periods.

The Members of the Finance Committee shall be elected for one period and may be re-elected for two successive periods;

b. At least one year and a half before the General Assembly, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee with the advice and approval of the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chairman and three other members, not themselves members of the Executive Committee nor the Finance Committee.

The Nominating Committee, after soliciting nominations from the Adhering Bodies of the Member Countries, and from the officers of the Union and the Associations, shall propose one or two candidates for each position in the Bureau, seeking to achieve a reasonable balance in their geographical and professional distribution. Candidates shall be asked to signify their acceptance of nomination and to prepare a resumé outlining their position, research interests and activities related to the Union.

The officers of the Union and Associations and the National Committees shall be informed by the Nominating Committee of the list of nominations at least 8 months before the General Assembly. They may make further nominations and/or recommendations to the Nominating Committee at least 3 months before the General Assembly. If new nominations for a given position are supported by at least 3 Presidents or equivalent officers of National Committees of Member Countries, and if they are accompanied by the written acceptance of possible nomination and resumé outlining the position, research interests and Union related activities of the candidates, they shall be added to the list initially established. The Nominating Committee shall send the final list of nominations to the officers of the Union and Associations and to the National Committees at the latest 2 months prior to the General Assembly.

Re-nominations, from those previously nominated for the Bureau, may also be made over a period of 48 hours, following the close of the first Council meeting at the General Assembly. Such nominations shall be submitted in written form to the Secretary General, supported by at least three members of the Council and accompanied by the same documentation as required with the original nominations. The Council Delegates shall be informed of these additional nominations, together with their resumés, at least 24 hours before the elections.

No one can be a candidate for more than one position in the election.
Elections shall be by secret ballot.

c. The Nominating Committee shall, after soliciting nominations from the Adhering Bodies of the Member Countries, and from the officers of the Union and the Associations, propose a slate of candidates for the Finance Committee: two positions from among the current members of the Finance Committee and two positions from among the accredited Council members at the previous General Assembly. The officers of the Union and Associations and the National Committees shall be informed by the Nominating Committee of the list of nominations at least three months before the General Assembly. The Council may add to the list of nominations for the Finance Committee during the General Assembly until 3 days prior to the elections. Candidates shall be asked to signify their acceptance of nomination and to provide a resumé outlining their suitability for serving on the Finance Committee.

d. No one shall be at the same time a Member of the Bureau or of the Finance Committee and President or Secretary of an Association. The Bureau may appoint Assistant Secretaries General and one Assistant Treasurer who may be assigned specific tasks by the Secretary General and the Treasurer with the approval of the Bureau. They may attend meetings of the administrative bodies of the Union in an advisory capacity.

Scientists represented by Adhering Bodies that have Associate membership, or have been in Observer status for two or more years and scientists from countries not represented by an Adhering Body are not eligible to be elected to positions in the Union or in its constituent Associations.

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 6 Number 9a (September 22, 2006)
J. A. Joselyn, Secretary General  [ ], fax:  1 303 497 3645.