The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 4 No. 8 (August 2, 2004)

This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web site. Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


  1. ICSU Grants for 2005
  2. ILP Appointments
  3. July ICSU Newsletter On-line
  4. Call for Comments on IPY 2007-2008 Outline Science Plan
  5. Awards and Honors
  6. IUGG-Related Meetings Occurring during August - October 2004

1. ICSU Grants for 2005

ICSU, with financial support from UNESCO, awards a number of grants annually to support collaborative projects proposed by its members. This "seed-corn funding" (maximum $100k) is often used to lever funding from other sources and the competition for awards is intense. For 2005, 40 applications were received requesting a total of US $2,656,658.

However, the budget available under the grants programme for 2005 is US$350,000, severely reduced from previous years owing to a number of factors. Only 4 proposals could be funded although 3 other proposals are on a "Waiting List" in the event that additional funds can be raised. Four more proposals were highly rated, but cannot be funded due to the lack of funds.

IUGG is pleased to announce that one of our proposals, through the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), was successful. This proposal, initiated by the 2003 IUGG Council delegate from Vietnam, Prof. Thi Kim Thoa Nguyen, is titled Augmenting Groundwater Resources by Artificial Recharge in S.E. Asia. The International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) co-sponsored this winning proposal. It received $49,500.

In addition, three proposals sponsored or co-sponsored by IUGG are on the "Highly-Rated" list. These are "An Assessment of Aerosol Effects on Precipitation" (written by Roland List of the International Association of Meteorological and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) and cosponsored by WCRP); "Dynamics of Semi-Enclosed Marine Ecosystems: the integrated effects of changes in sediment and nutrient inputs from land" (proposed by SCOPE with strong support from Paola Rizzoli and the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) and SCOR; and "Development of World Data Center Partner Sites" (proposed by the ICSU Panel on World Data Centers and also co-sponsored by SCOSTEP).

2. ILP Appointments

Prof. Dr. Sierd Cloetingh, President of the re-organized International Lithosphere Programme (ILP) has announced that Prof. Dr. Jörg F.W. Negendank ( has accepted the position of Secretary General. The Secretariat will be at GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam under the direction of Dr. Lauterjung.

3. July ICSU Newsletter On-line

The July 2004 issue of ICSU Insight is now available through the ICSU website: Upon opening the website, click on the tab labeled Media Centre; then click on Resource Centre. You will then be able to either print the newsletter or read it in your browser. The sections of the Newsletter are:

Strategic Initiatives
Capacity Building
Data and Information
Sustainable Development
People and Places

4. Call for Comments on IPY 2007-2008 Outline Science Plan

As part of preparations for the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008, the ICSU Planning Group is seeking feedback on their Outline Science Plan, which can be found at Comments on the Outline Science Plan should be sent to Dr Cynan Ellis-Evans ( before 30 August 2004. For more information on the International Polar Year 2007-2008 please, visit

This Plan is the result of the synthesis by the Planning Group of inputs from the polar community, and the details of this process are described within the Outline Science Plan. The final Science Plan will be delivered to the ICSU Executive Board with its final report in October 2004.

5. Awards and Honors

Prof. Véronique Dehant, Head of the Time, Earth Rotation, and Space Geodesy section at the Royal Observatory of Belgium and President of IAG Commission 3: Earth Rotation and Geodynamics, and her research group received the prestigious 2003 Descartes Prize for outstanding results from European collaborative research. The Prize was received for the application: Pinpoint Positioning in a Wobbly World.

6. IUGG-Related Meetings Occurring during August - October 2004

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized or sponsored by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG Web Site [ ]. Specific information about these meetings, including web links, can be found there. Individual Associations also list more meetings on their web sites appropriate to their disciplines.

August 1 - August 6, 2004
SPARC; Victoria, British Columbia - Canada; 3rd SPARC General Assembly

August 1 - August 6, 2004
IASPEI; Victoria, British Columbia - Canada; The 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

August 2 - August 6, 2004
IAHS; Moscow, Russia; International Symposium on Sediment Transfer through the Fluvial System

August 2 - August 6, 2004
IAG; Ottawa, Canada; 15th International Symposium of Earth Tides "Probing the Earth at Subseismic Frequencies"

August 2 - August 8, 2004
IAHS; Tallin, Estonia; Nordic Hydrology Conference

August 8 - August 11, 2004
IAHS; Vancouver B.C., Canada; 8th International Conference on Precipitation

August 15 - August 20, 2004
IUG; Glasgow, Scotland; 30th International Geographical Congress

August 16 - August 19, 2004
Nigerian Union of Planetary and Radio Sciences (NUPRS); Lagos, Nigeria; International Workshop on Nigerian SAT 1 as a New Tool for Economic Empowerment

August 20 - August 28, 2004
IUGS; Florence, Italy; 32nd International Geologic Congress

August 26 - August 27, 2004
GeoRisk; Stockholm, Sweden; Risk Science, Society and Sustainable Development, within the framework of the first EuroSciencer Open Forum (ESOF2004)

August 30 - August 31, 2004
IUGG; Boulder, Colorado - USA; IUGG Bureau Meeting

August 30 - September 3, 2004
IAG; Porto, Portugal; International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid, and Space Missions (GGSM2004)

August 31 - September 2, 2004
IUGG; Boulder, Colorado - USA; IUGG Executive Committee

September 5 - September 9, 2004
IAGA/IASPEI/IAVCEI; La Londe les Maures, France; IV International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology

September 12 - September 17, 2004
IASPEI/ESC; Potsdam, Germany; 29th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission

September 13 - September 16, 2004
IAHS; Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czech Republic; Finite-Element Models, MODFLOW, and More 2004: Solving Groundwater Problems

September 14 - September 17, 2004
IAMAS/ICMA; Cambridge (Clare College), - UK; Meeting of the Layered Phenomena in the Mosopause Region

September 17 - September 18, 2004
IAHS/UNESCO; Paris, France; 7th Kovacs Colloquium/7ème Colloque Kovacs Scales in Hydrology and Water Management Echelles en hydrologie et gestion de l'eau

September 21 - September 23, 2004
IAG; Tangier, Morocco; 12th General Assembly of the WEGENER Project

September 26 - September 30, 2004
EMS and ECAC; Nice, France; 4th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society -and- 5th European Conference on Applied Climatology

September 26 - October 1, 2004
IASPEI; Quebec, Canada; 11th International Symposium on "Deep Structure of the Continents and their Margins: Results from Reflection, Refraction, and Teleseismic Seismology"

September 27 - October 1, 2004
IAHS; Brechtsgaden, Germany; International Conference on Hydrology of Mountain Environments

September 27 - September 30, 2004
SCOR; Venice, Italy; Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) General Meeting

September 29 - October 1, 2004
IAGA; Roquetes, Spain; Workshop on Challenges for Geomagnetism, Aeronomy and Seismoloy in the XXI Century

October 4 - October 8, 2004
AAAR; Atlanta, Georgia - USA; AAAR 23rd Annual Conference

October 11 - October 14, 2004
IAPSO/SCOR; Victoria, Canada; Symposium on Ocean Mixing

October 13 - October 25, 2004
IAGA; Hyderabad, India; 17th Electro Magnetic Induction Workshopg

October 13 - October 16, 2004
SOLAS; Halifax, Nova Scotia - Canada; Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study Science

October 17 - October 24, 2004
EGU; On board the Mediterranean Shipping Cruises vessel "Opera," the Mediterranean, Catching Storms in the Mediterranean

October 18 - October 21, 2004
IAHS; Yichang, China; Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation

October 18 - October 21, 2004
IASPEI/ASC; Yerevan, Armenia; 5th General Assembly of the Asian Seismological Commission

July 18 - July 21, 2004
EMSEV; Orlando, Florida - USA; Acoustic Emissions, and Crustal Stress and Exhalation

October 25 - November 5, 2004
ICTP; Miramare - Trieste, Italy; 7th Workshop on 3-D Modeling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 4 Number 8 (August 2, 2004)
J. A. Joselyn, Secretary General  [ ], fax:  1 303 497 3645.