The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 3 No. 12 (December 1, 2003)

This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web site. Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


  1. Meetings selected for IUGG support in 2004
  2. The Role of Science in the Information Society
  3. Quadrennial Reports added to IUGG web page
  4. Awards and Honors
  5. Call for Nominations for 2004 Awards and Prizes
  6. IUGG-related meetings occurring during December 2003 - February 2004

1. Meetings selected for IUGG support in 2004

IUGG co-sponsors symposia and meetings appropriate to our disciplines of study. $20,000 (USD) is allocated annually to assist meetings, and especially to support the attendance of young scientists and scientists from developing countries. Officers of the Union, Associations and Inter-Association Commissions and Committees propose meetings to receive these awards. For 2004, IUGG will support the following meetings. More information about each of them can be obtained under the "Calendar" option on the IUGG Web site [].

  • International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid, and Space Missions (GGSM2004), 30 August - 3 September, Porto, Portugal
  • 2nd IAGA/ICMA Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere/Ionosphere System, 12-15 July, Bath, UK.
  • Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS), 25-29 May, Ohrid, FY Republic of Macedonia
  • International Conference on Hydrology of Mountain Environments, 27 September - 1 October, Berchtesgaden, Germany
  • International Workshop on Forecasting and Data Assimilation in the Benguela Current and Comparable Systems, 8-11 November, Cape Town, South Africa
  • International Workshop on New and Classical Applications of Heat Flow Studies, 4-7 October, Aachen, Germany
  • 4th International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric, and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology (MEEMSV), 5-9 September, La Londe Les Maures, France
  • 2nd International Symposium on Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety, Washington, D.C.
  • 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 18-25 July, Paris, France
  • 3rd SPARC General Assembly, 1-6 August, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
  • IUGG GeoRisk Commission 3rd Workshop, 2-4 December, Hyderabad, India
  • IUGG SEDI (Studies in Earth's Deep Interior) Commission Workshop, 4-9 July, Garmish-Parenkirchen, Germany

2. The Role of Science in the Information Society

The International Council for Science (ICSU) has arranged for IUGG to be represented at the December 8-9, 2003 conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on the Role of Science in the Information Society. Arthur Askew will represent IUGG at this 'summit event' of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS - web site ). An important aim is to make information and communication technology (ICT) more accessible and useful to the Least Developed Countries as they seek to reduce the "digital divide" and provide better lives for their people.

3. Quadrennial Reports added to IUGG web page

The South African 1999-2003 National Report to the International Association of Geodesy has now been added to the IUGG Web site.

The 1999-2002 National Report from Portugal has also been added to the IUGG Web site. Specific Sections were prepared for the International Association of Geodesy, the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, and the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior

On the index page, please look for these reports under National Committee Reports, beneath MEMBER COUNTRIES.

4. Awards and Honors

Dr. Grant Heiken, Secretary of the Inter-Associations Commission on Geophysical Risk and Sustainability (GeoRisk) and former President of International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) was recently elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Professor James Dooge, past President of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), past member of the IUGG Bureau, and past President of the International Council of Sciences (ICSU), received the International Medal from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in recognition of his work in hydrology. ICE was established in the U.K. in 1818 and now represents 80,000 professionally qualified civil engineers worldwide.

Dr. Harsh Gupta, IUGG Bureau Member, was invited by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission to present the Anton Bruun Memorial Lecture on 25 June 2003, at the UNESCO House, Paris. The lecture was on "Gas Hydrates - A Potential Source of Energy from the Oceans".

5. Call for Nominations for 2004 Awards and Prizes

The International Ozone Commission of the IUGG/International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) invites nominations for the "Dobson Award for young scientists." The award is granted for one or more outstanding research paper(s) in atmospheric sciences published or accepted in a refereed journal since the last Quadrennial Ozone Symposium (July 2000) by a scientist within 10 years of completing his or her Ph.D. The person nominated for the award should be the first author of the cited paper. For additional information, visit the internet site or contact Prof. C. Zerefos at . The nomination deadline is 31 December 2003.

The "Mariolopoulos-Kanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences" is a non-profit non-governmental organization that aims to promote and award atmospheric environmental research. Nominations are now being accepted for their biennial "WMO Professor Mariolopoulos Trust Fund Award" for an outstanding research paper in atmospheric sciences published or accepted during 2002-2003 in a referred journal by a young scientist (age below 35 years of age at the time of publication). For additional information, visit the internet site or contact Prof. C. Zerefos at The nomination deadline is 31 March 2004.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences invites nominations for the Heineken Prizes 2004. The Prizes, 150,000 US dollars each, reward outstanding scientific achievement in the fields of biochemistry and biophysics, medicine, history and environmental sciences. The selection of the candidates is based on the nominations received from other scientists or from scientific institutions throughout the world. Nominations should be made on special forms and submitted to the Academy before 1 January 2004. Nomination forms and general information are available from: or contact the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, E-mail:

6. IUGG-related meetings occurring during December 2003 - February 2004

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG Web Site []. Specific information about these meetings can be found there. Individual Associations also list more meetings on their web sites appropriate to their disciplines.

  • December 3 - 6 IAHS/IHP, Rome, Italy, International Symposium on The Basis of Civilization - Water Science?
  • December 8 - 12 AGU, San Francisco, USA, AGU Fall Meeting
  • January 28 - 30 IAHS, Warangal, India, Conference on Advanced Modelling Techniques for Sustainable Management of Water Resources
  • February 9 - 10 ICSU, Paris, France, Unions Meeting

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 3 Number 12 (December 1, 2003)
J. A. Joselyn, Secretary General  [ ], fax:  1 303 497 3645.