The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 2 No. 7 (July 1, 2002)

This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web site. Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


  1. Official Notification of XXIII IUGG General Assembly has been posted
  2. IAMAS represented at the Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization
  3. IAHS represented at the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme
  4. IUGG Executives receive honors from the European Geophysical Society
  5. SCAR wins the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation in 2002
  6. IUGG-related meetings occurring during July - September 2002

1. Official Notification of XXIII IUGG General Assembly has been posted

The official notification of the XXIII IUGG General Assembly in Sapporo, Japan (June 30-July 11, 2003) was mailed on June 17 to all IUGG Adhering Bodies and National Committee Presidents and Secretaries-General. A copy of the 2001 IUGG Annual Report was included in the packet.

2. IAMAS represented at the Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization

Prof. Roland List represented IAMAS at the 54th session of the Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 11-21 June, 2002.

3. IAHS represented at the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme

Prof. K. Takeuchi and Prof. P. Hubert represented IAHS at the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme held at UNESCO in Paris, France, from 17 to 22 June, 2002. The IAHS Bureau met prior to the Council.

4. IUGG Executives receive honors from the European Geophysical Society

IUGG officers, listed below, were well-represented among the 2002 awards bestowed by the European Geophysical Society.

Dr. Georges Balmino, CNES/GRGS, France, received the EGS Vening Meinesz Medal in recognition of his contributions in the fields of satellite geodesy and the study of Earth's gravitational field. Dr. Balmino is the former Secretary-General of IUGG (1991-1999).

Dr. Bengt Hultqvist, Swedish Institute of Physics, Sweden, received the EGS Hannes Alfvén Medal in recognition of his important contributions to auroral and magnetospheric physics and his leading role in initiating and supporting space research projects both nationally and internationally. Dr. Hultqvist is the Secretary-General of IAGA.

Prof. Christophe Reigber, Geoforschungs Zentrum Potsdam, Germany, received the EGS Vening Meinesz Medal in recognition of his contributions in the field of satellite geodesy and the study of Earth's gravitational field. Prof. Reigber chairs the Directing Boards of IAG's International GPS Service, and the International Earth Rotation Service. He is also a Union Lecturer at the 2003 IUGG General Assembly.

5. SCAR wins the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation in 2002

The ICSU Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) has been honored by the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation in 2002 for their international collaboration in Antarctica. SCAR was established in 1958 with the 12 countries that were undertaking Antarctic research during the International Geophysical Year (1957-58). SCAR initiates, promotes, and coordinates scientific research in the Antarctic system. The membership of SCAR is now 32 countries and the Secretariat is at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. The IUGG liaison to SCAR is Prof. R. Schlich (France). For further information on SCAR, visit

The Prince of Asturias Foundation, a non-profit organization that aims to promote the Sciences, Technology, Concord, Arts, and Letters, established annual awards in 1980 to honor individuals, groups, and institutions whose achievements are examples for all mankind. Each award is comprised of a diploma, Joan Miró sculpture, and a cash prize of 50,000 Euros. HRH Crown Prince Felipe of Spain presents the awards annually at a prestigious ceremony in Asturias, Spain. For further information on the Prince of Asturias Awards, visit

6. IUGG-related meetings occurring during July - September 2002

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG Web Site []. Specific information about these meetings can be found there. Individual Associations also list more meetings on their web sites appropriate to their disciplines.

  • July 1-5 IAHS/IAHR, Cardiff, U.K., 5th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
  • July 1-5 UN, Moshi, Tanzania, International Conference to Mark the International Year of Mountains (IYM2002)
  • July 1-6 IASPEI, Castle of Zahradky, Czech Republic, Workshop/Summer School on the Structure and Tectonics of Active Convergent Margins
  • July 3-5 IASPEI, Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, TeleGeo 2002 - Third Symposium
  • July 9- 12 AGU, Wellington, New Zealand, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting
  • July 15-26 ICSU/SCAR, Shanghai. China, XXVII SCAR Assembly
  • July 22-26 IUGG/SEDI, Lake Tahoe, California, USA, 8th Symposium of Studies of Earth's Deep Interior
  • July 22-26 IAHS, Dresden, Germany, 3rd international Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER)
  • August 17- 24 URSI, Maastricht, The Netherlands, XXVIIth General Assembly of the Int'l Union of Radio Science
  • August 19-23 IAGA, Perth, Scotland, U.K., Mesospheric Clouds
  • August 24-28 IAGA/SPIE, Waikoloa, Hawaii, U.S.A., Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics (AS20)
  • August 26 - September 4 ICSU/UNESCO, Johannesburg, South Africa, Earth Summit 2002 and Conference on Sustainable Development
  • August 26-30 International Glaciological Society, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, International Symposium on Physical and Mechanical Processes in Ice in Relation to Glacier and Ice-Sheet Modelling
  • August 26-30 IAG, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission
  • September 1-6 IASPEI/ESC, Genoa, Italy, 28th Assembly of the European Seismological Commission
  • September 2-6 IAHS/UNESCO, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia, International Symposium on the Structure, Function, and Management Implications of Fluvial Sedimentary Systems
  • September 3-6 IAG, Bali, Indonesia, PORSEC 2002
  • September 3-6 IAGA/IASPEI/IAVCEI, Moscow, Russia, 3rd International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology
  • September 7-14 Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, Climate Variability, Predictability, and Climate Risks
  • September 8-13 IAG, Wuhan, China, International Workshop on Satellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics, and Oceanography
  • September 9-12 UNESCO/WMO/IAHS, Bremerhaven,Germany,International Symposium on Lowlying Coastal Areas: Hydrology and Integrated Coastal Zone Management
  • September 9-13 ICE/IASPEI, London, U.K., 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering
  • September 10-13 IAHS, Beijing, China, Second International Symposium on Flood Defense: the Prospect of Living with Floods in the 21st Century (ISFD'2002)
  • September 15-20 IAG, Wuhan, China, International Workshop on Satellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics and Oceanography
  • September 18-20 IAHS/ICWRS, Beijing, China, International Workshop on Vulnerability of Water Resources to Environmental Change
  • September 18-21 IAHS/IAHR/UNESCO, Warsaw, Poland, ICHE-2002: International Conference on Hydro-Science and Hydro-Engineering
  • September 18-25 SPARC/IAMAS/IGAC, Crete, Greece, Atmospheric Chemistry in the Earth System: from Regional Pollution to Global Change, and, 10th Scientific Conference of the IAMAS Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution, and, 7th Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project
  • September 22-28 ICSU, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, General Assembly of International Council for Science (ICSU)
  • September 29 - October 3 CODATA, Montreal, Canada, Frontiers of Scientific and Technical Data
  • September 30 - October 12 IASPEI, Trieste, Italy, 6th Workshop on Three-Dimensional Modelling of Seismic Waves Generation, Propagation and their Inversion

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 2 Number 7 (July 1, 2002)
J. A. Joselyn, Secretary General  [ ], fax:  1 303 497 3645.