The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 2 No. 2 (February 1, 2002)

This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web site. Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


  1. Nominating Committee for IUGG Officers for 2003-2007 selected
  2. V.K. Gaur receives AGU Honor
  3. In Memoriam - Peter Vincent Angus-Leppan
  4. IUGG-related meetings occurring during February - April 2002

1. Nominating Committee for IUGG Officers for 2003-2007 selected

An important matter for the IUGG Council at its meeting in Sapporo in 2003 will be the election of officers (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and 3 Members) and the 5 members of the Finance Committee. (The Secretary-General was elected for two terms in 1999.) The Nominations Committee has the task of collecting the nominations and preparing the ballot, following the rules regarding nominations and elections for these positions (IUGG By-Laws, Section 10). President Kono has announced the selection of the members of the Nominations Committee as follows:

  • Chair: Dr. Klaus-Peter Schwarz (Canada)
  • Members: Prof. Michael Kuhn (Austria), Prof. Devendra Lal (India), and Dr. James O'Brien (U.S.A.).

Instructions regarding the procedures to be used to submit nominations are posted on the IUGG Web site and will be mailed to all IUGG officers and Adhering Bodies during the week of February 3.

2. V.K. Gaur receives AGU Honor

Prof. Vinod K. Gaur, a member of the IUGG Finance Committee and Distinguished Professor at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore, recently received the 2001 Edward A. Flinn III award from the American Geophysical Union. Prof. Gaur was cited for his "contributions facilitating research and development through the introduction of international collaboration in various aspects of Earth Sciences in India."

3. In Memoriam - Peter Vincent Angus-Leppan

Emeritus Professor Peter Vincent Angus-Leppan (Australia), President of the International Association of Geodesy from 1983-1987, died on 18 October, 2001. An obituary will be published in a future Journal of Geodesy in the IAG Newsletter section.

4. IUGG-related meetings occurring during February - April 2002

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG Web Site []. Specific information about these meetings can be found there. Individual Associations also list more meetings on their web sites appropriate to their disciplines.

  • February 4-8 SCAR, Ithala Game Reserve, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, Polar Conjugate Studies of Geospace and the Space Weather Environment
  • February 4-8 Valencia, Spain, 3rd Spanish-Portuguese Assembly of Geodesy and Geophysics
  • February 5-7 VAMOS/CLIVAR, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Workshop on South American Low-level Jet (SALLJ)
  • February 5-10 COSPAR, Sofia, Bulgaria, Plasma Processes in the Near-Earth Space: INTERBALL and Beyond
  • February 11-15 AGU/ASLO, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Ocean Sciences 2002
  • March 7-9 IUPAP, Paris, France, International Conference on Women in Physics
  • March 18-22 IAG, Caracas, Venezuela, Congreso Internacional de Geodesia y Carografia
  • March 18-22 IAHS/WMO/UNESCO IHP, Cape Town, South Africa, 4th International Conference on FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data)
  • March 18-22 SCOSTEP, Kyoto, Japan, International Symposium on Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC)
  • March 25-29 IAHS, Berkeley, California, USA, International Groundwater Symposium: Bridging the Gap between Measurements & Modelling in Heterogeneous Media
  • April 14-19 IASPEI, Lake Starnberg, Germany, 10th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy
  • April 15-24 IAGA, Hermanus Magnetic Observatory, South Africa, 10th IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing
  • April 22-26 EGS, Nice, France, SEDI Symposium "Dynamics of the core - models and observations"; IAHS (ICT) Symposium "Hydrological and Meteorological Coupling in Mountain Areas"
  • April 26-28 IAG, Nice, France, IAG Executive Committee meeting

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 2 Number 2 (February 1, 2002)
J. A. Joselyn, Secretary General  [ ], fax:  1 303 497 3645.