The IUGG Electronic JournalVolume 1 No. 3 (April 3, 2001)This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web site. Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome. Contents
1. IUGG Web site is improved Pierre Hubert, the Secretary-General of IAHS [International Association of Hydrological Sciences] has provided the necessary corrections and translations to improve the French half of the IUGG Web site. We are grateful for his efforts. 2. IUGG Annual Report for 2000 An annual report, including information from each of the Associations, has been written and submitted to the International Council for Science in Paris. This Annual Report has been posted on the IUGG Web site for your convenience. Paper copies are available from the Secretary General. 3. Vice-President of IAMAS receives Honor Richard Carbone, a Vice-President of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, was recently awarded the Cleveland Abbe Award by the American Meteorological Society. The award honors distinguished service to atmospheric sciences by an individual. Dr Carbone, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA, was cited for "building consensus in the weather research community on problems of major national and international importance, and for fostering the conduct of collaborative and coordinated weather research." 4. United Nations declares 2003 as International Year of Fresh Water John Rodda, President of IAHS, reported that the 55th Session of the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year 2003 as the International Year of Freshwater. The Subcommittee on Water Resources of the Administrative Committee on Coordination will develop proposals for activities to be considered by the56th General Assembly. IUGG is encouraged to take actions that will increase awareness of the importance of freshwater. 5. IUGG meetings occurring during April-June 2001 A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized by IUGG Associations )has been added to the IUGG Web Site []. For more complete information about these meetings, please consult the web site.
End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 1 Number 3 (March 5, 2001) |